Our Mission :
Our Vision
We see reproducing communities of genuine believers in Snoul, maturing in Christ-likeness and committed to transform their families, winning new disciples and influencing social structures.
My Values
Dependent on Christ
Without Him I can do nothing. Therefore I put him first in my planning and working, spending time in bible-study, prayer and worship.
Responsible to the family
Knowing that God has called and uses my whole family, I acknowledge the needs of my wife and children and lovingly put them first, in obedience to God and as a testimony to the families around us.
Devoted to the team
Teams accomplish more than individuals. I value initiative, ideas and correction. I desire to incorporate diversity (gifts, personalities, tasks) towards one goal. I believe that we should work orderly and to the best of our abilities.
Curious about the new
Transparent in relationships
I communicate as much and detailed as possible – with each other, OMF CB and our prayer partners at home.
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